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I was born in Athens and grew up in Syros, with a small parenthesis of my life, where I stayed in the wonderful Evia for 5 years. I graduated from IEK Teleinformatics in Syros and then moved to Athens, where I worked in the field of Information Technology (IT) for 13 years. Having really enjoyed: career, successes, traveling abroad, working with teams, big projects, organization, I decided to apply my experience in a completely different field. I decided to follow the path of my heart...alternative therapies.

A personal story

How did it all begin?

I have been a restless spirit since childhood. I was always looking for the whys behind the looks. I've always loved learning new things, understanding how things work, and I've always loved helping others. I have had many existential quests and questions since I was very young. But neither natural science nor religion, unfortunately, could satisfy my questions...

...Until I encountered Reiki. Then I said: "I don't believe it! I found what I was looking for!". I remember listening to my teacher, in the 1st grade, talking about the philosophy of the system and thinking to myself, that it is not possible for someone to say so neatly, what had been scattered in my head for so long. And even more, that these "alternatives", the "strange" opinions I had and which until then no one understood me... others had them too! It was redemption for me! From there everything went its way.

What is the philosophy of Reiki?
Usui Sensei gave us the Principles of Reiki, by which all practitioners of the system must live. He considered it to be: “The secret method of attracting happiness. The spiritual medicine for all diseases”!


  • Only for today,

  • Do not get angry

  • Do not worry

  • To feel gratitude

  • Work intensively

  • Be nice to others

… if you ask me… no. I didn't suddenly wake up and become a Reiki guru! Not even! Many years of daily and infinite practice have passed

treatments and practices, until I come to consider myself capable of teaching these principles, having first made them a part of my life and my daily effort. Have I succeeded? To a large extent yes. But I do not think that these principles can be attained and become your possession to the absolute extent, nor that Usui gave them for that. It is simply a guide, to keep you firmly in the Light as life moves on and throws its challenges at you. And you have to say every time: "I live based on these principles"? Where am I missing it? Let me try again.

Reiki Certifications


Usui Reiki Ryoho Master Teacher

Education Nektaria Spyropoulou


Japanese Reiki Techniques

Training Frank Arjava Petter


Advanced Reiki Techniques

Created by William Lee Rand & Kallis Skarlatou. Education: Marios Aggelis (2013)


The Reiki Festival

Reiki training system for children – System & Training: Filitsa Korba


The Feast of Angels

Bringing children into contact with their Guardian Angel - System & Education: Filitsa Korba


Angelic Reiki 1-2 Level

Education Giorgos Melachrinakis


Twin Flame Reiki & Relationships

System & training: George Mylonas GEOM*!

Crystal Therapy Certifications


CCH (Certified Crystal Healer)

system & education LoveAndLightSchool
Class #1: Introduction to Crystal Healing
Class #2: Sensing Subtle Energy with Stones & Crystals
Class #3: Advanced Crystal Healing
Class #4: Energetic Protection Using Crystals & Stones
Class #5: Basic Crystal Healing Layouts
Class #6: Advanced Crystal Healing Layouts
Class #7: Chakra Healing with Crystals & Stones
Class #8: Working with Crystal Grids
Class #9: Emotional Healing with Crystals & Stones
Class #10: Using Crystals for Fertility Support
Class #11: Creating a Crystal Healing Mandala


Crystal Reiki

System & training: Kalli Skarlatou
1ο     Eισαγωγή στους κρυστάλλους_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_(2013)
2ο     Kρυσταλλικό Ρέικι  (2014)
3ο     Kρύσταλλοι & Aρχάγγελοι_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_(2016)
4ο     Kρύσταλλοι & Aνώτερος Eαυτός_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_(2016)


Platonic Solids

Love & Light School


Your Crystal Clear Year

Love & Light School


Gratitude as Spiritual Practice

Love and light School


Setting Energetic Boundaries with Crystals

Love and light School


Ending Overwhelmed with Crystals & Stones

Love and Light School


Crystal Grids for Healing Arts Practitioners

Love and Light School

Other Seminars


Visionary journeys in the 5th dimension

  • Program of initiations into the "Archangelic Dialect",

  • "Soul Union with Higher Self"

  • "Spiritual Masters, Hercules & the Spirit Athletes"

  • "Odyssey of Atlantean Knowledge"

  • "The Cosmic Work of Atlantius Perseus"

– system & training: Kalli Skarlatou & Elisavet Antoniadou


Harvard Becoming a manager

  • Becoming a Manager (2012) -  Presentation Skills – (2013)

  • Leading and motivating (2013) - Difficult interactions (2014)

  • Team Leadership (2014) -Team Management (2014)


Bach flower arrangements Level 1

Training Hope Tarantula


Visionaries Meditations

System & training: Kalli Skarlatou

Healing Touch of Christic Energy Level 1

System & training Kallis Skarlatou & Elisavet Antoniadou


Tibetan kneading - Bile Energy

Harmony Holistic Therapies

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