Με τη θεραπεία αυτή θα μπορέσεις να:
Help your relationships to clarify, even end, if absolutely necessary.
Forgive deeply and sincerely the people who hurt you so that you can move on with your life, without unnecessary burdens.
Γίνεις Μαγνήτης Θετικών Εμπειριών, έλκοντας νέες πιο συμβατές και αναβαθμισμένες σχέσεις.
Learn more by watching the video below:
What does the course include?
3 Online Treatments
Cleaning & Severing Relationships
Forgiveness & Release
Magnet of Positive Experiences & Relationships
More than 4 hours of video
Recorded videos, structured in 4 small sections for easier understanding, but also the ability to immediately find the topic you are interested in.
Detailed instructions
Instructions on how to do each session, but also a lot of information on how to manage emotions and obstacles 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_that arise on the way to better relationships!
Ongoing support
at your every step and answers to your questions, at any time

Payment methods
Αποκοπή Λώρων
Pay with your credit or debit card by pressing the button below and following all the steps.

Bank deposit
Κάνε την κατάθεση, σε μία από τις παρακάτω τράπεζες & στείλε το αποδεικτικό στο email: info@MariannaMarkou.gr
National: GR1501100840000008400538305
Piraeus: GR9001727050005705106135390
Frequent questions
How long can I do the treatments?
These treatments are structured so that you do 1 treatment every week, for 3 weeks, to begin with.
From then on, you have access forever, so you can repeat the treatments, all or individually, as many times as you want!
Why doesn't the whole program open at once?
It is important to do one type of treatment per week, at least for the first time. The energy that comes down through the video takes time to manifest in your reality. This means, for example, that it takes about a week to complete your cleansing and severing of relationships before you can continue with Forgiveness.
How does video therapy work?
Therapeutic videos haveactivated in a special wayso as to create a connection between the viewer and his higher self. In this way the video works as a Light Gate of Connection and grounding of healing energies.
The healing process begins with your intention, that is, the will to be done and lasts as long as the video "plays". It is a very easy process and does not require anything special on your part.
Just watch all the videos in order and follow the instructions!
I have no previous experience. Can I watch it?
You don't need to worry. This program is made for everyone, even people without any previous experience.