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Marianna Markou

My mission in this life is to bring people in touch with their inner voice. To learn how to recognize it and follow it as a valuable advisor in the course of their lives.

Respect, use of Common Sense, but also Trust in Intuition. These are the 3 pillars that support my teaching of energy arts.

New Course

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Gem Waters and Remedies

NEW online masterclass

in Greek only

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Gem Waters and Remedies

NEW online masterclass

in Greek only

Cutting Cords

Online session for clearing & cutting the energy cords that bind us to people and situations.


Here you will find all online and hybrid courses related to:

Usui Reiki Seminars

Online and in person:


  • 1st, 2nd, 3A levels

  • Teacher level (3B)

  • Advanced Reiki Techniques

Golden Crystals
Crystal Healing

Online only:


  • Crystal Advisor

  • Basic Crystal Healing

  • Gem Waters (New)

Golden Chakra
Meditation Seminars

Online only:


  • Lessons for beginners (5 Meditations)

  • Training in guided meditation (for healers and teachers)

Individual Sessions

Let's work together, choosing the right session that will help you change your life and help your spiritual development.

Physical Body

Emotion - Mind

- Pain relief
- Acceleration of recovery and healing of wounds of all kinds
- Addiction Treatment

Ethereal - Spiritual

- Treatment for negative emotions
- Change limiting beliefs
- Inner Child Therapy
- Healing of mental wounds

Special Treatments

- Cleansing & Charging Chakra-Aura
- Receive/Understand spiritual messages
- Understanding the purpose of life
- Energy field protection

- Energy Surgeries
- Release of Skeptomorphs
- Retrieving Soul Pieces
- Past Lives - Ancestral Line
- Karmic Contracts' Management


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People say about me

Wonderful teacher with lots of knowledge and crystal energy. Can't wait for level 2!!! Be well my bright Marianna!!! Thank you very much!

Eftychia Martha Zafeireli - (Alternative Therapist)

Articles - Videos

In the blog you will find various articles and videos about crystals, how to clean them, how to use them in simple ways to bring change into your life, etc.. You will also find articles about more general healing topics and ways to make your life better.

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Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
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