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Crystal therapy 1

Meet the Mineral Kingdom

An online course for those who want to learn about the mineral kingdom and practice Crystal Counseling. Ways of choosing and working with crystals, cleaning, charging, programming and protection are taught.

Celestite crystal

What will I learn in this course?

Through this 4-week program you will learn:

  • How to you recognize the crystals

  • What are the naturalandmetaphysicaltheir properties

  • How are cleaned energetically and how to choose the right crystal for whatever area of your life concerns you

  • How to work with them, with simpletechniques  that you can use in your daily life

  • How to you plan  to enhance their effectiveness

  • How can you protect yourself and thespaceyou

I am a professional therapist. Does this tutorial do it for me?

This course is the basis for getting to know the wonderful world of minerals.

  • If you havestorewho sells crystals or work with jewelwith semi-precious stones, then this course will give you everything you need to recommend the right crystals, for every area of life.

  • Also ideal for alternative healers, who after completing the course, will be able to practiceCrystal Consulting, that is, recommending crystals for healing and giving ways to work with them.

  • Finally, eachcrystal lover, who wants to learn how to use them in his daily life, to improve his life, can benefit from this course.

What does the course include?

More than 6 hours of video

Recorded videos, structured in 3 small sections for easier understanding, but also the ability to immediately find the topic of interest.

9 mini videos

with answers to common questions

1 Manual

with all the curriculum, for those of you who have trouble reading from the screen and like to write on paper ;-) . Sent by mail.

Ongoing support

at your every step and answers to your questions, at any time

Free Updates 

With this purchase you will always receive any program update free of charge. This means new techniques, corrections to existing ones, sharing experiences, etc.


They said about the seminar

The Crystals 1 seminar by Marianna Markou, introduced me in a smooth and fully explanatory way into the world and magic of crystals. It provides a lot of important information about our initial contact with the precious minerals but also many important meditations that help us to grasp their essence and the essence of their offering to man. Marianna is very explanatory in each video that accompanies the introduction of the chapter and gives a lot of information for in-depth understanding. I'm about to start Crystals 2 with the same enthusiasm. Thanks a lot!

The tutorials are both very rich in knowledge and practical with careful and loving editing! 

They are very understandable and they take you slowly into the invisible tangible field of the energy world! 

The world of crystals from a quantum perspective is magical and everyday life suddenly takes on another dimension! 

Thank you very much for your effort and willingness to teach us and raise  the vibration of everything!

Dimitra Tz.

Venia B 

Anchor 1

Τρόποι πληρωμής

  • Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1

    Αγορά σεμιναρίου με εφάπαξ πληρωμή
    • - Σεμινάριο Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1
    • - Βιβλίο με όλη την ύλη (αποστέλλεται ταχυδρομικά)
    • - Σετ κρυστάλλων 10 κρυστάλλων
    • - Δίπλωμα, μετά την επιτυχή πιστοποίηση γνώσεων
    • - Διαρκής υποστήριξη, σε κάθε σου βήμα
    • - Δωρεάν ενημερώσεις μαθημάτων και νέων τεχνικών
    • - Δωρεάν Συμμετοχή στην Ομάδα Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας
  • Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1&2 (-10%)

    ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗ 10%
    • - 2 Σεμινάρια Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας (1ο & 2ο επίπεδο)
    • 26 κρύσταλλοι για να ολοκληρώσεις τις εργασίες
    • - Διαρκής υποστήριξη, σε κάθε σου βήμα
    • - Δωρεάν ενημερώσεις μαθημάτων και νέων τεχνικών
    • - Δωρεάν Συμμετοχή στην Ομάδα Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας
    • - 2 Βιβλία με όλη τη διδακτέα ύλη (αποστέλλεται ταχυδρομικά)
  • Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1 & Νερά (-10%)

    ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗ 10%
    • - Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1 (εισαγωγικό μάθημα για αρχάριους)
    • - Κρυσταλλικά Νερά & Ιάματα
    • - 2 βιβλία με την ύλη των σεμιναρίων
    • - 2 μπουκάλια για την παρασκευή ιάματος & βάμματος
    • - 16 κρύσταλλοι

Payment methods

Bank deposit

Κάνε την κατάθεση, σε μία από τις παρακάτω τράπεζες & στείλε το αποδεικτικό στο email:

National: GR1501100840000008400538305

Piraeus: GR9001727050005705106135390


Frequent questions

Are there any attendance requirements?

No. The Crystal Therapy 1 course is designed so that anyone, without any prior knowledge, can learn how to use crystals in their everyday life.
Included in the teaching are ways to clear your energy, your space, how to protect yourself energetically, how to clear, charge and program your crystals. Everything will be analyzed in the lesson.

Do you provide certification?

Of course. A certification of attendance is given upon successful completion of the tutorial and certification questions.

When are the lessons?

The courses are designed so that one can attend them at one's own time and pace, from the comfort of one's own home.
Through recorded videos, the material to be studied is revealed. Every week a new section is opened, so that the student knows, at any time and moment, what he has to study and what tasks he needs to do. 
You have access to this program forever, so you don't have to worry if you miss a lesson. You can continue whenever you find time again.

Ποιοι κρύσταλλοι περιλαμβάνονται στο μάθημα;

Για την ολοκλήρωση του 1ου μέρους των σεμιναρίων χρειάζεται να κάνεις κάποιες εργασίες. Οι κρύσταλλοι που θα παραλάβεις είναι:

  • Λάπις Λάζουλι

  • Οψιδιανός 

  • Άκουα Μαρίνα

  • Καλσίτης

  • Μάτι Τίγρη

  • Απολιθωμένο ξύλο

  • Χαολίτης 

  • Βρυαχάτης

  • Αβεντουρίνη Κίτρινη 

  • Φεγγαρόπετρα

  • 2 Ροζ Χαλαζίες (βότσαλο & ακατέργαστος)

* Οι κρύσταλλοι μπορεί να αλλάξουν χωρίς προειδοποίηση, ανάλογα με το απόθεμα.

* Ακόμα κι αν έχεις ήδη κάποιους από αυτούς τους κρυστάλλους, δεν πειράζει. Θα ανακαλύψεις στην πορεία, ως Κρυσταλλοθεραπευτής, ότι πολλές φορές χρειάζονται παραπάνω από ένας κρύσταλλοι για επιτυχείς διατάξεις και εργασίες.

ενεργειακό σπρέι καθαρισμού κρυστάλλων και κρύσταλλοι

Can someone answer my questions?

Many times there is the concern that a taped lesson will be impersonal. But, in my courses, there is full guidance throughout the studies, and also after them.

In general, I have very good communication with students and questions are always resolved, through the Crystal Therapy Team, by phone or text. At the same time I share updates, new techniques and experiences with all students.

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