What will I learn in this course?
Through the 6 week program you will be taught:
How to develop and identify intuitions your
Get treatment
at physical body for pain, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic system
at energy body, to charge, discharge energy
At emotional body for calm and comfort, to remove fear
3.5 hours of teaching only on the aura and chakras, which will teach you
What isAuraand how to use crystals to fix fatigue, overexertion, exhaustion, weakness
What ischakra, which emotions, thoughts, organs and areas of our lives each regulates
How to recognize if a chakra is overfunctioning, underfunctioning or balanced, based on our life circumstances
Who are the most suitablecrystals for each chakraand that everyone helps
How to do healing cleansing, balancing and charging the chakras
How to make a complete Crystal Therapy session.
What does the course include?
More than 7 hours of video
Recorded videos, divided into 6 weekly sections for easier understanding, but also the ability to immediately find the topic of interest.
1 βιβλίο με περισσότερες από 65 σελίδες διδακτέας ύλης, για σένα που δυσκολεύεσαι να διαβάσεις από την οθόνη και σου αρέσει να σημειώνεις στο χαρτί ;-) .
16 κρύσταλλοι, αξίας 58€, για να κάνεις τις εργασίες
Αποστέλλονται ταχυδρομικώς.
2 Manuals
with more than 100 pages of teaching material, for those of you who struggle to read from the screen and like to write on paper ;-) . Shipped by mail.
Ongoing support
at your every step and answers to your questions, at any time
Free Updates
With this purchase you will always receive any program update free of charge. This means new techniques, corrections to existing ones, sharing experiences, etc.

They said about the seminar
Marianna is now my favorite teacher! I intuitively chose my training in Crystal Therapy without knowing it at the time. I am grateful for everything! A soul full of love and light, with kindness, willing to help you and lead you to discover your own path! I love her ❤️
I "owe" you a text for your page!!! And I "owe" to you more than anything for that energy hug when the world around us was collapsing...
For the teacher who made me believe in actions...
I will not mention the space because it is very beautiful and warm, full of crystals that "call" you... but a space in itself is just a space...
Neither I will refer to the course. I have given many lectures in my life and otherwise, and there have been people from time to time who have given good "lectures"...
However, I will refer to this girl who with her energy and the way she does the lesson enchants and makes you leave full of knowledge and energy!!! A wonderful person who makes the place special and the lesson takes it to another dimension! Always smiling, ready to face every challenge of her students, surprised by the energies of the crystals!!!
Every minute of class with her is worth it!!! Unique experience!!!🙏🙏🙏
Danai Sg.
Τρόποι πληρωμής
Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 2
230€Αγορά σεμιναρίου με εφάπαξ πληρωμή- - Σεμινάριο Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 2
- - Βιβλίο με όλη την ύλη (αποστέλλεται ταχυδρομικά)
- - 16 κρύσταλλοι για την εκπόνηση εργασιών
- - Δίπλωμα, μετά την επιτυχή πιστοποίηση γνώσεων
- - Διαρκής υποστήριξη, σε κάθε σου βήμα
- - Δωρεάν ενημερώσεις μαθημάτων και νέων τεχνικών
- - Δωρεάν Συμμετοχή στην Ομάδα Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας
Κρυσταλλοθεραπεία 1&2 (-10%)
370€ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗ 10%- - 2 Σεμινάρια Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας (1ο & 2ο επίπεδο)
- 26 κρύσταλλοι για να ολοκληρώσεις τις εργασίες
- - Διαρκής υποστήριξη, σε κάθε σου βήμα
- - Δωρεάν ενημερώσεις μαθημάτων και νέων τεχνικών
- - Δωρεάν Συμμετοχή στην Ομάδα Κρυσταλλοθεραπείας
- - 2 Βιβλία με όλη τη διδακτέα ύλη (αποστέλλεται ταχυδρομικά)
Payment methods
Bank deposit
Κάνε την κατάθεση, σε μία από τις παρακάτω τράπεζες & στείλε το αποδεικτικό στο email: info@MariannaMarkou.gr
National: GR1501100840000008400538305
Piraeus: GR9001727050005705106135390

Frequent questions
Are there any attendance requirements?
Yes. This course requires you to have completed the "Crystal Therapy 1" seminar.
I have some basic knowledge of Crystal Therapy. Can I take this course?
If you are an advanced student or have been taught the basics by another teacher, and want to go straight to level 2, then you need to answer the level 1 certification questions correctly AND show me the material you have been taught, in order to be eligible to attend. Contact me for details.
Do I need to buy crystals in advance?
Yes. To complete the 2nd part of the tutorials you need to do some tasks. The crystals you will need are:
1 Chakra Set* (Jasper – Carnelian – Citrine – Rose Quartz – Chalcedony – Sodalite – Amethyst)
1 Clear quartz
1 Amazonite
1 Black tourmaline
4 Single pointed quartzes
2 small bars of satin spar (selenite)
*Other crystals can be used for the chakras, as long as they correspond to the color of each energy center.
If you don't already have crystals, you can buy the above set, at a special price of €30 (Only to be purchased together with the tutorial).
For information contact me.
Do you provide certification?
Of course. Follow-up certification is given upon successful completion of the seminar and certification assignments.
When are the lessons?
The courses are designed so that one can attend them at one's own time and pace, from the comfort of one's own home.
Through recorded videos, the material to be studied is revealed. Every week a new section is opened, so that the student knows, at any time and moment, what he has to study and what tasks he needs to do.
You have access to this program forever, so you don't have to worry if you miss a lesson. You can continue whenever you find time again.
Can someone answer my questions?
Many times there is the concern that a taped lesson will be impersonal. But, in my courses, there is full guidance throughout the studies, and also after them.
In general, I have very good communication with students and questions are always resolved, through the Crystal Therapy Team, by phone or text. At the same time I share updates, new techniques and experiences with all students.