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If you find yourself on the beautiful island of Naxos, treat yourself to a relaxing and rejuvenating Reiki or Crystal Healing session. It's the perfect way to unwind and recharge while enjoying the island's natural beauty!

All sessions are provided both online or in-person. Please contact me if you have any questions or want to book a session with me. 

Μαριάννα Μάρκου

Healing Sessions

Anti-stress & Relaxation - 60'

Full Body Reiki: the warm and comforting Reiki energy will reduce stress, tension and muscle pain. Let the flow of Spiritual Energy, transform your mind, body and soul!

Unblock the energy flow - 45'

With the power of Clear Quartz crystals and Meditation, we unblock the energy from anywhere in the body, either on a physical, emotional or mental level! Unblock your channels and restore your energy flow!

Emotional release - 45'

This technique quickly and effectively releases excess emotional tension. Crystals restore calm and peace to the emotional body, while through meditating with your Higher Self, negative emotions are being uprooted and removed form your system. Pure Light and Joy replace negative emotions. 

Rejuvenation - 45'

Chakra Balancing with Crystals: Using the power of crystals, this treatment, will leave you with a sense of refreshment and balance... as if you have just taken your deepest breath ever!

Energy Booster 45'

Combining Reiki & Crystals together, we create a waterfall of Light that cleanses and energizes all aspects of your life. This session cleanses and expands your energy field. If you' re feeling exhausted and energetically drained, this session is perfect for you.

Mental Clarity - 45'

Treatment in two stages. First the excess energy is removed from the head and then we bring peace and relief from unnecessary thoughts, but also inspiration and higher levels of concentration. Crystals and meditation are the primary healing tools of the Mind.

What my Clients Say


erica tsirtsakis

I can’t stop recommending Marianna.
She’s not only sweet & professional, she’s a very talented healer who will leave you feeling healed, at peace & energized.

I booked a session for my friend who was not feeling well. I sat in the room while Marianna worked on her, and to my surprise, I felt Marianna’s healing energy reach me too. It was a beautiful experience. 🙌✨❤️
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